Introduction : Cyclopropane belongs to the group of Anesthetics particularly General Anesthetics. Description Cyclopropane is one of the...
Cyclopropane belongs to the group of Anesthetics particularly General Anesthetics.
Cyclopropane is one of the most potent anaesthetics administered by inhalation with the help of a brass regulator. The chief merits of this anaesthetics over others are due to its non-irritant nature and rapid recovery from anaesthesia. Its demerits include : depressant effects on respiration, tendency to induce cardiac arrhythmias and to enhance haemorrhage.
Structure and Synthesis of Cyclopropane
Cyclopropane belongs to the group of Anesthetics particularly General Anesthetics.
Cyclopropane is one of the most potent anaesthetics administered by inhalation with the help of a brass regulator. The chief merits of this anaesthetics over others are due to its non-irritant nature and rapid recovery from anaesthesia. Its demerits include : depressant effects on respiration, tendency to induce cardiac arrhythmias and to enhance haemorrhage.
Chemical Formula: C3H6
Exact Mass: 42.05
Molecular Weight: 42.08
m/z: 42.05 (100.0%), 43.05 (3.3%)
Elemental Analysis: C, 85.63; H, 14.37
Chemical Formula: C3H6
Exact Mass: 42.05
Molecular Weight: 42.08
m/z: 42.05 (100.0%), 43.05 (3.3%)
Elemental Analysis: C, 85.63; H, 14.37
Structure and Synthesis of Cyclopropane
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