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Definition : These are those agents (Drugs)  that temporarily depresses neuronal function, producing total or partial loss of sensation wi...

These are those agents (Drugs)  that temporarily depresses neuronal function, producing total or partial loss of sensation with or without the loss of consciousness.

A substance administered to reduce the perception of pain or to induce numbness. An anesthetic may or may not render the recipient unconscious, depending upon the type used; Causing the reduction of pain sensitivity. Either applied or injected medication for pain are often called “novocaine”. Many more effective medications are now used and when the types is carefully matched to the procedure excellent results for pain control are obtained for comfortable treatment. (Anesthesia) Drugs that a person is given before and during surgery so he or she will not feel pain. Anesthesia should always be given by a doctor or a specially trained nurse. (Read about "Anesthesia")

Types or Classification:
There are two main types of Anesthetics
1. General Anesthetics
2. Local Anesthetics

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